I Usually Trust My Gut, Here’s What Happened When I Didn’t

Susan Cote; MS RD LDN
4 min readFeb 16, 2022


As a dietitian I often talk about the importance of feeding your gut. Gut health is important for nutrient absorption and digestion as anyone who has been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome can tell you.

The microorganisms (microbiome) that live in your gut also have an impact on your cognitive health. “There is bidirectional communication between the gut and the brain. Scientists have found that gut bacteria produce many neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and GABA, which are critical for mood, anxiety, concentration, reward and motivation.”

And we have all heard the expression, “Go with Your Gut” or “I have a Gut Feeling” or “Trust your Gut” which means to trust your instincts; which is why I am writing this article. If you were ever alone walking to your car at night and noticed that someone was walking behind you, you might pick up your pace or change your direction to look for some activity or other people nearby. You are having a gut feeling that whoever is behind you may be up to no good, so you try to change the situation. But what if it happens during the middle of lunch hour in the middle of a busy city during a pandemic?

I was working in downtown Miami for a non-profit organization, setting up a nutrition department for them. If you have ever been to downtown Miami you know there are some upscale parts of the city and some streets you wouldn’t want to walk down even during the daylight hours. I worked in the upscale part of the city and would walk a long block to Whole Foods for lunch. There was always some person standing outside the entrance of the store trying to catch your attention to tell you about their organization and get you to donate to their cause. At the steps to the store entrance, there was a traffic light at a very busy corner and if the light was green you were stuck there until the light changed and you could cross. Sometimes I would stop and listen to their spiel (because I couldn’t get away or else risk getting run over) and other times I did not want to be bothered and the traffic light was in favor of crossing.

One time I came out and was stopped by the light and had to listen to the spiel. As I was listening and waiting for the light to change this 20 something shirtless and shoeless guy (not the guy I was talking to) started dancing to music that was playing. The guy was dancing off the curb and into the street and as the light changed to favor my crossing, he sort of blocked my entrance to cross. I was slightly annoyed, but went around him and continued to cross the street headed back to my office building.

I continued towards my building and something made me look back and there was the 20 something shirtless and shoeless guy behind me. In the short glance back I noticed he had a glazed look and was probably high on something. I picked up my pace and headed for my building. Now, there were no other buildings on the side of the street to duck into or I would have not lead him to my work place. And in this very busy city, it was odd but noone else was on the section of the street at that time. When you enter the lobby of the building where I worked, you have to wait for the elevator. My office was on the 15th floor, so I pushed the button for that floor. As I was waiting for the elevator, the door to the lobby opens and the 20 something shirtless and shoeless guy comes inside. It is a rather small lobby with no security in the lobby. So now we are both in the lobby and I am starting to panic a bit. There are 3 different elevators you can take so I went to each one and pushed different floor buttons. These elevators were a bit different, you would push the floor button before you got in (not just an up/down button).

Now the dilemma, do I get in the elevator and have him follow me in there? No ffing way! So as each elevator would come to the lobby and open up for me to get in, I would push another floor, so the elevators were opening and closing at different times. Since he was strung out on something, he looked a bit confused as to what was happening. Finally as he went towards one side of small lobby, I jumped into the elevator closest to me and pushed the button to close the door. As the door is closing, I see an arm reach out and try to pull the doors back open. Now I am physically pushing the doors closed from the inside praying for the elevator to start going up. And thank God it did!

When I reached the 15th floor and went back to my office a bit shaken up, I told Michael who worked at our front desk about this strange guy and he called security and also went down to check it out himself. They never did find the guy. Maybe he went back to Whole Foods looking for another victim or maybe he just went on his merry way. Who knows? But from now on, I will trust my gut feeling, no matter what time of the day or how many other people are around. I hope you all do the same. Thanks for reading.



Susan Cote; MS RD LDN

I am a dietitian, chef, promotor of plant-based eating & living a Flexitarian lifestyle. Developing a course to help others do the same. Spec: nafld/gut health.